Disk Doctors Windows Data Recovery is much more then an simple undelete software or a file recovery program. Its versatility begins when other software fails to recover or even is not able to display data... Read more >>
Disk Doctors Windows Data Recovery is much more then an simple undelete software or a file recovery program. Its versatility begins when other software fails to recover or even is not able to display data...Read more >>
Use Disk Doctors NTFS Data Recovery software to recover data from NTFS, NTFS5, drives as well as it supports recovery from dynamic drives created on NT/2000/XP/2003 platforms. Recovering data using ...Read more >>
Disk Doctors FAT Data Recovery Software will of course recover lost or damaged data on any computer utilizing the Windows File Allocation Table (FAT16, FAT32) systems. It supports file recovery ...Read more >>
Disk Doctors Photo Recovery (Win) can recover data from all camera flash memory cards including Compact Flash Card (CF), Smart Media Card, Secure Digital Card (SD), Multi-Media... Read more >>
Disk Doctors Instant File Recovery Software will easily recover deleted files emptied from your Windows Recycle Bin. it will also allow you to quickly recover files lost due to errors such as accidental formatting...Read more >>
Disk Doctors Undelete is the world's fastest and most reliable undelete software. It utilizes a very easy to operate interface and contains powerful functions that allow anyone...Read more >>
Disk Doctors Mac Data Recovery software recovers lost and deleted data from HFS+, HFSX file systems on Mac OS X. Data loss is not a strange term for people working on Mac...Read more >>
Disk Doctors Windows Data Recovery is much more then an simple undelete software or a file recovery program. Its versatility begins when other software fails to recover or even is not able to display data...Read more >>
Use Disk Doctors NTFS Data Recovery software to recover data from NTFS, NTFS5, drives as well as it supports recovery from dynamic drives created on NT/2000/XP/2003 platforms. Recovering data using ...Read more >>
Disk Doctors FAT Data Recovery Software will of course recover lost or damaged data on any computer utilizing the Windows File Allocation Table (FAT16, FAT32) systems. It supports file recovery ...Read more >>
Disk Doctors Photo Recovery (MAC) can recover data from all camera flash memory cards including Compact Flash Card (CF), Smart Media Card, Secure Digital Card (SD), Multi-Media... Read more >>
Disk Doctors Photo Recovery (Win) can recover data from all camera flash memory cards including Compact Flash Card (CF), Smart Media Card, Secure Digital Card (SD), Multi-Media... Read more >>
Disk Doctors Photo Recovery (MAC) can recover data from all camera flash memory cards including Compact Flash Card (CF), Smart Media Card, Secure Digital Card (SD), Multi-Media... Read more >>
Disk Doctors iOS Recovery, makes use of low level flash file system.Low level flash file system keeps multiple versions of the same file....Read more >>
Disk Doctors iOS Recovery, makes use of low level flash file system.Low level flash file system keeps multiple versions of the same file...Read more >>
Disk doctors Android Data Recovery Software Support recovering, accidentally deleted photos, videos or other files. This software can be used on Windows and Mac ...Read more >>
Disk doctors Android Data Recovery Software Support recovering, accidentally deleted photos, videos or other files. This software can be used on Windows and Mac ...Read more >>
Disk Doctors Email Recovery (.dbx) software is a tool designed for recovering accidentally deleted Outlook Express email messages from any "dbx / mbx" archive or to repair ...Read more >>
Disk Doctors Outlook Mail Recovery (.pst) is a powerful and efficient Microsoft Outlook recovery tool. The primary function is recovery of (.pst) files for Microsoft Outlook... Read more >>
Use Disk Doctors Smart E-mail Backup to Migrate and Backup Outlook Emails & settings. Migrate your older version of Microsoft Outlook to newer version OR migrate from Windows XP / Vista to...Read more >>
Disk Doctors Linux Data Recovery software is a user-friendly tool that allows you to recover data from the Linux Ext2, Ext3 & Ext4 File System created from on any Linux Distribution ...Read more >>
Disk Doctors UNIX Recovery (Solaris) is simple yet powerful and easy to use application for UFS file system supported by Sun Solaris. The software has been designed to provide... Read more >>
Disk Doctors XFS Data Recovery software works for XFS file system only and is not targeted to any particular operating system due to wide support of XFS with various UNIX and Linux operating systems...Read more >>
Support recovering, Citrix XenServer VMs, Support recovering VHDs from Citrix XenServer, Support saving VHDs as...Read more >>
Drive Cloning, can help you make a clone of your hard drive or make a disk image that you can use to restore your data. Drive Image's clone option creates an exact replica of the drive. Cloning is great way to ...Read more >>
Disk Doctors Drive Manager in itself holds a number of recovery methods and techniques which makes it unique and robust recovery software. Another very important feature of this tool is ...Read more >>
When a file is deleted either by simple delete or by using Shift+Del keys, it is not completely wiped out from the computer. Windows Operating System just removes the deleted file entry from the directory...Read more >>
Disk data wipe or erasing ensures privacy. Operating system's default delete function does not delete the entire file. To erase the drive beyond recovery certain software procedures are necessary...Read more >>
Drive SOS, part of the Drive Manager package, is designed to precisely monitor your hard drive functions, predict potential failures and get the most out of your drive. SOS is your first line of defense in the event of a potential drive failure. If Drive SOS does predict a hard drive failure, you will need to make a backup and replace the damaged hard driveRead more >>
“…Se dovete recuperare delle informazioni perse da vostro hard drive, Disk Doctors Windows Data Recovery potrebbe essere la vostra ultima chance…”
- Recensione degli editor Softonic
“Semplice ed efficace. Ho potuto recuperare i miei dati comprando la versione completa del software..."
- Polka
In Disk Doctor, abbiamo combinato le tecnologie del nostro proprietario TurboScan™ e di File Tracer™. Windows Data Recovery lavora per trovare i dati persi a causa di cancellazioni involontarie, formattazioni, corruzione di una partizione e molte altre situazioni di ripristino.
Se cancellate accidentalmente qualcosa e svuotate il cestino, Windows Data Recovery è in grado di recuperare quei file importanti.
Il modulo di ripristino partizione di Windows Data Recovery può anche effettuare ricerche di partizioni cancellate o perse e recuperare i dati persi da essi utilizzando una serie di opzioni di scansione.
I motori di scansione Windows Data Recovery ricostruiscono le vostre directory così com'erano e le mostrano in Windows Explorer in modalità di anteprima, supportando anche i file con nomi lunghi.
La funzione “Previsualizzazione File” vi permette di visualizzare in anteprima il vostro ripristino per vedere meglio il potenziale ripristino dati.
Innocuo da utilizzare su un drive bloccato: Disk Doctors Windows Data Recovery è un'applicazione di sola lettura, il che significa che leggerà soltanto i contenuti di un drive corrotto/danneggiato e non tenterà di sovrascrivere il drive. Una volta terminato il vostro ripristino, Windows Data Recovery salverà i dati recuperati in una posizione nuova e sicura. Windows Data Recovery deve essere installato su una partizione sana o su un drive diverso dalla partizione o dal drive dal quale state cercando di recuperare i dati.
Interfaccia Intuitiva: Il nostro wizard di ripristino semplice da utilizzare vi guida in maniera sistematica durante tutto il processo di ripristino. Quando avrete terminato, sarete in grado di riutilizzare i dati trovati, così come erano prima.
Windows Data Recovery è progettato per essere utilizzato con i file di sistema FAT 16, FAT 32, VFAT, NTFS, e NTFS 5 utilizzati su Windows e su molti altri sistemi operativi.
Per i drive che utilizzano FAT e MFT, Windows Data Recovery utilizza la nostra tecnologia TurboScan per un ripristino completo, veloce e personalizzabile.
Per drive estremamente danneggiati, File Tracer rappresenta la migliore scommessa per quasi ogni tipo di formato (Word - DOC, Excel - XLS, PowerPoint – PPT, JPEG, AVI, MPEG, MP3, WAV, BMP, TIFF, Corel Draw - CDR, Photoshop - PSD, e molti altri)
Come sempre, vogliamo essere sicuri che utilizziate il prodotto giusto per ogni necessità. Provate la versione dimostrativa prima di procedere all’acquisto. Scaricate la versione dimostrativa e utilizzate la funzionalità di anteprima per controllare il vostro ripristino. Una volta capito cosa potete recuperare, potete utilizzare la nostra funzione Save Scan per salvare i vostri potenziali ripristini. Una volta installata la versione completa del software, potrete riaprire la scansione salvata tramite la funzione di anteprima ed iniziare il vostro ripristino.
Prima di qualsiasi operazione di ripristino, assicuratevi di non aver salvato o scaricato NESSUNA nuova informazione. Qualsiasi modifica dello stato attuale del drive potrebbe mettere a rischio le vostre possibilità di un recupero sicuro e completo.
Assicuratevi SEMPRE che il drive che state ripristinano NON sia lo stesso su cui state installando Windows Data Recovery. Installate Windows Data Recovery su un altro computer e poi attaccate il drive rovinato per iniziare il recupero.
About Disk Doctors
Disk Doctors have been rescuing data from failed data storages since 1991… most reliable and well rounded data recovery company, equipped with over two decades of experience and knowledge base, ready to tackle complex drive and server disasters head on.
We have seen everything that could go wrong with any type of data storage device and know the best remedies to fix complex problems to regain valuable data in record time.
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